Working hard to keep everything clean on my desktop.
Resynching iPod touch.
Started Apache web server. This was dead simple--just go to system prefs and turn on web sharing. The folder is Sites in the Home folder. Later I will need to experiment with running scripts and so forth if I want a fully functional site on my computer, but at least I can do client modeling.
Downloaded jQuery and jQuery UI. Will need to download my usual plugins (Taconite, form, livequery....) For UI, chose Cupertino theme. Saw an online conference on jQuery. I think I might attend.
Used Screenflow to make a demo video of its capabilities. Not too bad. Uploaded it to YouTube and done. Pretty sweet. Idea is to make videos of educational interest, building the logos, with references to the materials at Mythic Logos.
Finally got TextMate bundle loading working. Installed git. Then you can install a bundle by
cd ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles
git clone git:// Git.tmbundle
osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'